About Captain Forest

Reimagining the future of the planet and society

Captain Forest is an independent media outlet dedicated to investigating environmental, economic, social, and geopolitical issues. Our primary focus is on four sectors: plastic, waste, agriculture, and forestry. By examining the ecological crisis through these lenses, we aim to uncover the underlying causes of environmental degradation. We believe that implementing solutions for waste reduction, agroecology, and forest conservation will significantly contribute to a cleaner, greener, and more biodiverse planet, as well as foster local and resilient economies. Stay connected and informed by signing up and following us on social media.

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Special Edition: Plastics Treaty

Plastics Treaty Context in One Minute


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Heroes Voice Podcast

Zero Plastic & Waste

How Reducing Waste Is a Climate Changer?

How Reducing Waste Is a Climate Changer? Waste mismanagement has several environmental and climate negative impacts. What if combining upstream measures and actions at the...

Are Bioplastics Better Than Plastics?

Are Bioplastics Better Than Plastics? With the global issue of single-use plastics threatening our planet, bioplastics emerged as a promising alternative to traditional plastic packaging....

Why Is Plastic Waste Management Challenging in Indonesia?

Why Is Plastic Waste Management Challenging in Indonesia? While Indonesia used to be cited among countries facing important waste management issues, in recent years, the...

How Plastics Affect Ocean Health?

How Plastics Affect Ocean Health? To better understand the impact of plastics on Ocean health, I interviewed Antoinette Vermilye, co-founder of 'Gallifrey Foundation' and member...


Article shares and mentions

Lamiaa Biaz Ecological Journey

Founder of Captain Forest

Lamiaa Biaz

Founder of the Captain Forest movement

"I became deeply concerned about the environmental crisis and developed a passion for nature. As a result, I decided to leave my corporate career and change my habits. Since 2019, I have been living a plastic and waste-free lifestyle and have been involved in European projects focused on waste management, water recycling, urban forestry, and soils health. This led me to create Captain Forest, a platform to raise awareness about environmental issues through thoughtful conversations with international experts. We aim to educate people about the plastic, waste, forestry, and agriculture-related ecological and socio-economic crises and the existing solutions."

Would you save 🧜‍♀️ The Little Mermaid from plastic?

Since September 2019, I have become zero-plastic and never thrown out plastic again. I kept it all in a box in my apartment because I knew that if I disposed of that plastic, it would never be recycled and most likely end up incinerated or in a landfill somewhere or in the Ocean. This Little Mermaid campaign aims to raise awareness about the non-recyclability of plastic.

How I Eliminated 80% of Plastic From My Life in One Year?

It all started in September 2019 when I committed to never use plastic again. The transition to a plastic-free lifestyle took me a year. To help you in your transition, I'm sharing with you in this article everything I learned on how to become zero-plastic.

Can Permaculture Save the World?  

Based on information from United Nations reports, documentaries, books, and my personal experience, I wrote this article to share a new socio-economic paradigm - permaculture - envisioned decades ago by personalities such as Bill Mollison, Masanobu Fukuoka, Vandhana Shiva, etc. Permaculture approach proposes to mimic Nature and build communities who produce themselves locally and naturally a part of what they eat and use.

Ecological transition for business

Ecological transition for Society

The Contribution and Yet Marginalization of Female Plastic Waste Pickers

The Invisible Struggles: The Contribution and Yet Marginalization of Female Plastic Waste Pickers Let’s imagine. You have just finished a refreshing drink from a plastic...

How Does Interaction with Nature Help Us Develop Our Senses?

How Does Interaction with Nature Help Us Develop Our Senses? We often choose to ignore the fact that we are part of nature. Today, because...

Is Developing Self-Consciousness Necessary to the Ecological Transition?

This article is also available in French: click here. Is Developing Self-Consciousness Necessary to the Ecological Transition? Developing self-consciousness can result in a behavioral change necessary...

Environmental activist heroes

Allan Savory, The Modern Figure of Holistic Management

Allan Savory, The Modern Figure of Holistic Management In an exclusive interview, Captain Forest had the privilege of discussing the...

Zineb Benrahmoune Idrissi, the Agroecology Champion in Morocco

Zineb Benrahmoune Idrissi, the Agroecology Champion in Morocco Agroecology practitioner, Zineb Benrahmoune Idrissi is a former teacher-researcher at the National Forestry...

Christina Dixon, the Ocean Campaigner SHEro

Christina Dixon is Ocean Campaign Leader at the Environmental Investigation Agency. She has been working in the non-profit sector...


Do you want to live more sustainably?

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